Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cunt-gut?

the clearly visable fat pouch directly above a woman's vagina that protrudes when she is wearing high-waisted pants

look at that gut cunt

👍59 👎23

cunt-gut - meme gif

cunt-gut meme gif

cunt-gut - video


Cunt-gut - what is it?

Where a woman who has had a C-Section for child birthand the scar line heals but the big fat cow gets fatter and fatter forming a cunt shape on her stomache. Very gross.

She has a big cunt gut under her shirt

👍49 👎71

What does "cunt-gut" mean?

N: Similar to Camel-Toe camel toe
pronounced or protruding labia major.

"Crikey Laura, get that Lycra Pant suit off, everyone can see you Cunt-Gut"

👍43 👎21

Cunt-gut - what does it mean?

the pouch that a woman has just above her vagina.

look at that fat slut over there she has her cunt guts hanging out!!! lol

👍33 👎13

Cunt-gut - meaning

The roll of fat some chicks have just below the navel.

Whoa. Check out that hideous CG.

👍135 👎33