Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cumhole?

Some one who is addicted to cock and ball torture.

β€œSteve is such a cumholic he just can’t keep his hands of ball piercings”

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cumhole - video


Cumhole - what is it?

Fun time with a special fren

What hole should I cum? Bumhole is the cumhole

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What does "cumhole" mean?

When you dig a hole in the earth and bust a nut in it

Bro, he just cummed in the cumhole!

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Cumhole - what does it mean?

When you cum in someone's hole

They are now cumhole

I cummed in Mark's hole, he's my little cumhole now

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Cumhole - meaning

an orifice of a male or female that is the primary receptical of a male orgasm.

this guy was running his mouth and i told him to shut his cumhole.

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