Definder - what does the word mean?

What is crimple?

fuck the shit outta someone in slightly ''''friendly'''' way


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crimple - video


Crimple - what is it?

The act of spiining a non-retracted mechanical pencil, and accidently stabbing yourself with it, upon a bad catch.

"Dude! I totally flubbed up, and I crimped myself, ow..."
"Dude! Stop crimpling yourself..."

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What does "crimple" mean?

Crimple is when someone is injured and has to be on crutches or a wheel chair. Crimple could also mean someone that has a knee brace, broken arm, and ect.

Example) Tiffany is crimple.

This is meaning tiffany is injured and has a knee brace + crutches.

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Crimple - what does it mean?

long ass toes

my brother has crimple crampers

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Crimple - meaning

A person with athletes foot

Ewwwww, the person has rumple crimple toes

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Crimple - definition

When someone is sat weird, their toes look weird and squashed

Ewwwwww, look at Steve’s rumple crimple toes

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Crimple - slang

To have your nipple bitten off by a cat

I was fucking this girl last night and then I realised she'd been crimpled. That cat's so naughty

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An adjective used to describe a car that has been damaged, whether it be simply dented or smashed beyond repair.

An old woman backed into my car yesterday and now my shit is crimpled!

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verb--To dent or smash a car.
noun--any dent or visible impact made on a car.

1) A tree fell in the storm last night and crimpled my car!

2) Man, I just bought the car and it already has a crimple in the door!

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