Definder - what does the word mean?

What is couchsurfing?

To sleep at someone elses' home (esp. on the individual's couch) for an indefinite period of time. An act perpetrated mostly by college students, slackers, junkies, skaters, snowboarders, punks, ravers, clubbers, goths, hippies, cult members, or any other individual in need of a place to stay and willing to mooch said place from a friend, relative, or complete stranger willing to oblige them.

Hey man, I got kicked outta my apartment yesterday. Would you mind if I couchsurf at your crib?

👍89 👎31

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couchsurfing meme gif

couchsurfing - video


Couchsurfing - what is it?

A social networking tool for travelers to use while voyaging on the cheap. Done alone, in pairs, or in groups, couchsurfing can be done in over 250 countries with more than 2,000,000 couchsurfers worldwide. Popularized by its website, all that's required is to simply create a profile and request or offer a couch. Costs nothing but the memories and experiences are priceless.

Never sleep with your couchsurfing host...especially if he offers you alcohol.

👍159 👎65