Definder - what does the word mean?

What is corn juice?

When a man is having sex with their partner and have the urge to pee and cum simultaneously, ejaculating and peeing on/in their partner. The “corn” part of the term comes from the fact of his pee being yellow due to him not drinking enough water.

Dude 1: “Aww shit bro. Last night, I was so dehydrated from fucking so long that I splat corn juice on her tummy.”
Dude 2: “Dude here”, *hands Dude 1 the rest of his Gatorade*, “you can have the rest, that’s nasty.”

Corn juice: When a man is having sex with their partner and have the urge to pee and cum simultaneously, ejaculating and peeing on/in their partner. The “corn” part of the term comes from the fact of his pee being yellow due to him not drinking enough water.

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corn juice - video


Corn juice - what is it?

A term used in south when you want to express dissatisfaction with someone’s actions (ruining a good thing)

Billy: *spoils a show*
Sarah: you really had to go and spit on the corn juice

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What does "corn juice" mean?

A very bad smell that comes from a person who has not bathed.

Sam has not taken a bath in two weeks, she stinks like corn juice!

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Corn juice - what does it mean?

Any liquor derived from corn.

Son: Daddy what are you drinking?

Dad: It's corn juice, son.

Son: Can I have corn juice?

Dad: No.

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