Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cold baller?

A relatively successful debt collector that makes over $50,000/year and thinks he's the shit because he's managed to enter the lower-middle class in such a low skill occupation.

"Bruce wears tailored suits everyday, even on casual Friday. He thinks he's some kind of Cold-Caller Baller."

πŸ‘31 πŸ‘Ž13

cold baller - video


Cold baller - what is it?

ˈ/kΙ™ΚŠldˈbΙ” lΙ™/
someone who is seen as the β€œtop dog” in the situation, can handle any task under pressure

β€œwow you see declan over there, man he’s got the touch of a cold baller”

πŸ‘29 πŸ‘Ž13