Definder - what does the word mean?

What is click here?

When your on Urban Dictionary and feel the need to change your username whether it be annoyance, it growing old, people making fun of it, wanting to spice it up or many other reasons.

Guy: I think I don't like BigFatChunkyHairyBalls as my username anymore considering all of my family is seeing my definitions
*Opens up on Urban dictionary*
*Clicks Click here to change your handle8
Guy: How about I change it to supaman?
Guy: Oh, it's taken
Guy: How about 342942340240234?
Guy: Yippee

👍25 👎11

click here - video

Click here - what is it?

You searched this because you're bored, obviously
This is the thing that shows up when you click the user button in the menu bar in the top right of the page.

Someone: I want to change my username
Someone: *Clicks on the user button*
Urban Dictionary: Click here to change your handle Claim definitions you wrote under a different email address See all of your definitions Sign out
Someone: *Clicks on "Click here to change your handle"*
Someone: There!

👍55 👎19

What does "click here" mean?