Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chelsea fan?

A group of grown men from London who like making high pitched owl noises and are severely obsessed with Leeds United and Marcelo Bielsa.

What were they doing today?

The Chelsea fans?


Just pretending to be owls really.

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chelsea fan - video


Chelsea fan - what is it?

a chelsea fan is someone with very very good football taste and no one should buly chelsea fans bc they win the champions league and premier league and FA cup and we are very smart and we will dont like every arsenal fan and real madrid fan and sterling is the best player ever

Girl 1: i love chelsea
Boy 1: i do too!! im a chelsea fan

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What does "chelsea fan" mean?

Rival fans and bent people will claim they don't exist. In reality there is an abundance of them but are hidden from the public eye due to the racist fans.

Rival fan: Its a Chelsea fan they are probably racist
Non bent and non rival fan: No, its probably not a racist Chelsea fan

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Chelsea fan - what does it mean?

On the 21st of May every year, you can hit a Chelsea Football Club fan and they cannot do anything about it.
This day is special for Manchester United fans, as it is an anniversary of John Terry's slip in the 2008 UCL Final.

Person A - It's May 21st! Time for Hit a Chelsea Fan Day!
Chelsea fan, waking up - fuck

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Chelsea fan - meaning

Chelsea fans are known for being racist and aim hate speech at minorities. For example, Paris and the train. β€œROMAN WE WONT TAKE THE KNEE” and many more.

Hey! There’s a Chelsea fan wearing an outdated champions kit.

Don’t go near him. He’s a racist Chelsea fan. They thrive off of hating minorities and destroying foreign cultures. Plus their team is shit

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Chelsea fan - definition

Self proclaimed 'fans' who have only started watching Chelsea since 2003.

'Loyal and proud Chelsea fan, since 2003.'

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