Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cheese lord?

Symptoms usually 2 or more of the following:
Tells bad dad jokes
Wears a suit all the time
Listens to bad jazz to feel classy
Considers himself charming
Basically William Shatner

That guy's a reeeeal cheese lord.

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cheese lord - video


Cheese lord - what is it?

The person that loves cheese so much that he is made of cheese and he hates whores.

I'm the Cheese Lord hear me crap my self!!

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What does "cheese lord" mean?

Cheese Lord is a man who loves cheese almost as much as he love taking dabs. All Cheese Lords enjoy playing Disc Golf, Guitar, Super Smash Bros and eating however don’t spend much time doing those things because they are normally so baked they forgot what they were doing in the first place or they are contemplating their next meal. Most Cheese Lords meals consist of Pizza, SlimJims with the Cheese Stick or straight Velveeta. Cheese Lords are notorious for getting very sleepy and crashing in someone else’s place of slumber.

Wow, that guy is really stumbling around on the course. He must be looking for something, possibly a disc or dabs, what a Cheese Lord.

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Cheese lord - what does it mean?

A person who cheats and/or uses loopholes and rule lawyering toward their advantage. One who reads between the lines filling in the gaps with "cheese" or "leaps of logic" when rules are not defined or specified in the rule books or instructions for games.

That gamer is a Cheese Lord. Denver is a cheese lord when he plays tabletop miniatures.

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Cheese lord - meaning

Anyone who has an mass consumption of cheese, who loves cheese in a thousand different ways and can go on for hours about how much they love cheese, also someone who seizes life and is getting the most out of life weather it be smelling the flowers or taking the time to see the true beauty of just being alive. The best of the best and lord of the cheese meaning a person who knows the world and has it almost figured out.

Max is such a cheese lord he never lets life get him down, i wish i had his outlook. This picnic is such a letdown i wish there was a cheese lord who could have spared us this lousy pick of snacks. With the cheese lord at the helm were sure to win the fight.

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Cheese lord - definition

A person who cheats or uses loopholes or using rule lawyering toward their advantage. Often filling in gaps with "cheese" or "leaps of logic" when rules are not defined in rule books for games.

That gamer is a Cheese Lord. Eric is a cheese lord when he plays tabletop miniatures.

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Cheese lord - slang

A member of a Washington, DC a capella singing group, The Suspicious Cheese Lords. The name comes from a willful mistranslation of the Tallis motet, Suscipe Quaeso Domine.

Who knows from Ludwig Senfl? Ask a Cheese Lord.

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Cheese lord

a immensely powerful crab also the brother of the crab lord

person 1: "did you hear about the cheese lord"
person 2: "no?"
person 1: "he blew up my minecraft house yesterday"

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Cheese lord

One who cheats or paraphrases the rules of games incorrectly to their advantage. Cheese lords often use rules lawyering to enhance their position. One who reads between the lines or fills in the gaps with "cheese" in the rules and instructions for games with grand leaps of logic.

Eric won't play against John any more. John is a famous cheese lord at the gaming table.

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