Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chasing the chicken?

Doing whippits, or nitrous-oxide

Hey Kyle! Want to go chasing the chicken across the deck?
Sure Christian, let me get some Whippits.

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chasing the chicken - video


Chasing the chicken - what is it?

β€œChasing chicken” is a Bay Area term popularized by Local Bay Area rapper Mike sherm. It means only chasing cash while other people would be chasing a girl.

β€œI’m too busy chasing chicken I ain’t worried bout you bitches

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What does "chasing the chicken" mean?

Wasting other people's time with totally useless consumption of social media bandwidth.

I can't believe that total asshole posted "Chasing the Chicken" as his Facebook status.

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Chasing the chicken - what does it mean?

Trying to get laid. Seeking the velvet, heart-shaped box.

Dude, I spent the whole weekend Chasing the Chicken.

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Chasing the chicken - meaning

To wander aimlessly, but with great purpose.

Derivation: In some parts of Mexico, it is traditional at weddings for a chicken to be beheaded. The chicken will run around aimlessly, as children chase it around.

"I hate this job. I spend all my time chasing the chicken."

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