Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cerian?

The name of a person who disagrees with most, even if the other person / people are right.

If you know a cerian then you will definitely be shouted at and verbally abused

John: 'oh did you hear what cerian said yesterday?'
Dan: 'yeah she literally went mad and called the teacher pathetic'
John: 'what a cerian'

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cerian - meme gif

cerian meme gif

cerian - video


Cerian - what is it?

A girl who loves black cock

I meant this girl who was a real cerian

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What does "cerian" mean?

has a bigger dick than all the boys and girls, she is black, she is also ard as fuck, she likes chicken, she's a big/small black mega faggot, she is mega fit, funny as fuck and sarcastic,

look at that black thing over there she's fit fuck off cerian

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Cerian - what does it mean?

bloody legend

cerian is a right bloody legend

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