Definder - what does the word mean?

What is carbonite filter?

Carbon/carbonite filters are used for all sorts of purification. Lately, carbonite filters have been used on bongs. The smoke goes through the carbonite rock, removing carcinogens and other toxins, but not removing the THC. This means you won't cough as much. Regular carbon filters are replaced, while the built in Carbonite brand ones can be cleaned and maintained. It doesn't magically make more THC in your smoke, like the other definition suggests.

Stoner 1: Dude, I love this carbonite filter. It's better than my old ROOR ash catcher!
Stoner 2: Yeah man, just keep it clean.

👍87 👎17

carbonite filter - video


Carbonite filter - what is it?

generally used in conjunction with a bong, a ring of carbon is used to filter out a significant portion of carcinogens in smoke from weed; thereby, drastically increasing the percentage of THC in the smoke and getting you ridiculously high! =P

This carbonite filter is DANKE!

👍45 👎55