Definder - what does the word mean?

What is candy machine?

The act of sticking one's thumb into a butthole as to ascertain poop on one's thumb. Swirling said thumb in a circular motion, just like the stick is used in a cotton candy machine.

"Yo bro, I totally gave some skank The Cotton Candy Machine last night and ate all of it" -Kyle

"Gross." -Fred

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candy machine - video


Candy machine - what is it?

shove candy up a girls vagina (peferably unwrapped) and try to eat it all out

Colten: My sweet tooth is acting up but im horny as shit
Mary: what should we do
Colten: what saw we do the candy machine
Mary: im down

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What does "candy machine" mean?

A tampon or pad machine.

Can I get $0.50 from someone?...I need to go to the candy machine.

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Candy machine - what does it mean?

An older term for the flashing lights on police car. Named because lights resemble an old-time candy machine.

Better pull over, I see the candy machine in the rear view mirror.

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