Definder - what does the word mean?

What is callan?

my little brother, a retard

callan ya retard

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callan - meme gif

callan meme gif

callan - video


Callan - what is it?

ugly, whore who talks bad about people behind theyre back.

She is such a callan.

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What does "callan" mean?

Sometimes when playing a female sport like volleyball, there is someone of questionable sexuality. Sometimes you refer to them as a "softball playa" but when there is no doubt, of said individual's slant , they are refered to as a Callan.

A callan can also be someone who is in love with a "steve"

Gah, I hate changing in front of that callan, she always stares at me.

Callan and steve would make a really hawt couple.

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Callan - what does it mean?

1. An angry person who is constantly the centre of harrasment and jokes.
2. A dickhead
3. A semi-wasian. Although doesn't attempt to be one.
4. A retardedperson

a)Aahaha, that kid fell over..
b)It must be Callan
c)Ahahaha, you fell over, I shall name you callan

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Callan - meaning

ME!! my name iz Callan

i am Callan and im not a whore

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Callan - definition

1. an amazingly cool person!
2. usually a girl's name
3. very good-looking!!!!!!!!

1.Did you see that girl? She was very attractive! Her name has got to be Callan!

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Callan - slang

a really great girl.

wow, callan is pretty much perfect.

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callan is a hot boy with curly ass hair.he is amazing and sends paragraphs to people he appreciates.he also makes cute monster butterflies.he says cringe ass pick up lines which is so cute

callan: omg it’s so hot in here, you are so hot
person:*dies from amens shyness*

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the prettiest girl you can think of, amazing, and perfect. super hot, sexy, and the nicest ass you have ever seen.

friend: that girl is absolutly perfect
guy:yeah she must be a callan

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a prodamenetly masculine name meaning strong in battle it is of celtic background

wow callan is great in battle that wow makes sense dont be mistaken by the people who think it is a female name that is for mothers of low IQ

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