Definder - what does the word mean?

What is c-hair?

red c hair smaller than a c hair because red hair is the finest hair in terms of thickness

Missed by a red c hair

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c-hair - meme gif

c-hair meme gif

c-hair - video


C-hair - what is it?

a term of measurment inventent in WWII for less than a millamenter.

I just missed that son-a-bitch tojo by a c hair.

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What does "c-hair" mean?

A cunt hair.

That’s thinner than a β€œC Hair”.

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C-hair - what does it mean?

the polite way to say cunthair.
its advisible to use this form when any females are within earshot.

the bullets missed Rambo by just a C-hair.

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C-hair - meaning

n. A very small measurement of distance.

Derived from cunt hair, or more specifically the width of one.

Okay, We've almost got it in the right spot, just move it a c hair to the left.

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C-hair - definition

A highly accurate unit of measure that also refers to body hair that grows in a certain region of the female anatomy.

Damn, Steve - That's too bad. You only missed that putt by a fucking C Hair!! Good effort though.

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C-hair - slang

A hair floating in a body of water.

I was swimming at English bay and i noticed a patch of curly c-hair.

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