Definder - what does the word mean?

What is business week?

an extremely long time. business weeks being a time frame used as a shipping time estimation, i.e. your package should arrive in 6 to 8 business weeks. a business week consisting of only business days, not weekends, thus being longer than a normal week. in effect, forever.

girl: how long will you love me?
guy: 6 to 8 business weeks, baby!
girl: awwww...i'll love you forever, too!

dave: how long are you grounded for?
ken: 6 to 8 business weeks!
dave: damn! well, it's christmas now, that means you should be out by...lets see...4th of july maybe?
ken: probably more like labor day!

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business week - video


Business week - what is it?

1. A business week is usually the days during the week that a place of work is open

Five days a week from monday to friday has become the norm for most of the world leaving weekends free from work, for the most part

2. 'Businessweek' is a magazine, probably related to news in the modern marketplace

Waiting for this business week to end so I can get to the weekend.

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