Definder - what does the word mean?

What is buddahs?

Older man who works at the local corner store and has one heck of a fucking shiny head.

While combing my hair in the mirror , I was reminded of Buddah's shiny ass head.

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buddahs - meme gif

buddahs meme gif

buddahs - video


Buddahs - what is it?

A car ride through Somers CT smoking a blunt checking out the big houses. It originated in Longmeadow high school and eventually migrated to surrounding schools

Yo i got an ice H block u wanna go on a buddah?", "Just picked up a 20 bag of that fire, gotta go on a buddah", If i throw down 5 can i get get down on that buddah?

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What does "buddahs" mean?

daa remedy to life ;)

wat up with da buddah?

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Buddahs - what does it mean?

weed, pot, reefer, wacky tobacky, herb. something you smoke to make you feel good....

hey dogg! break out the buddah so we can get lifted!

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Buddahs - meaning

Urban slang for marijuana. May also be spelled buddha.

He's selling buddah if he's got plenty of money. (lyric from Salt 'N Pepa's '93 song Heaven Or Hell)

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Buddahs - definition

Weed. Pot. Endo. Chronic.

Yo.. where da buddah at?

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Buddahs - slang

weed, chronic, cannabis

'You got soem buddah to smoke?'

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(n) See marijuana.

"I'm an addict for sneakers, 20's of buddah and bitches with beepers" -- NAS (New York state of mind 1994).

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slang for marijuana. used to draw parallel between the buddah's state of nirvana and that cool, laid back feeling you get when you smoke a fat bowl.

"yo, wanna smoke some buddah son?"

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buddahs is simply a slang term used widly by stoners.. its another word for buds. dank, chronic, chrizzy, dode, nugs, da purps.

can be used in comnbination of many other words such as

chadillac- yoooo! my nigga what choo got on deck

thuggishDealer- I got the fire B! straight phx suns purp.. best buddahs in P-town! and i got thizzles, mushies, cid, special K, xznaz bars, perc 30s, OC 80s, and some of that china white if you really wanna get your fade propper

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