Definder - what does the word mean?

What is brobean?

A nation of frenids that is the most powerful nation

Brobean nation will take over

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brobean - video


Brobean - what is it?

A bong stronger than friendship, stronger than true love. Usually the bond is formed between a small group of males. they refer to eachother not by name but by simply calling eachother "brobeans". When in need one would assemble a "brobean talk" which is a short meeting between everyone considered to be a brobean. Brobeans never tell secrets to outsiders, however they tell eachother everything they know. No secrets are kept from brobeans. Alas, brobeans is not just a name for best friends. It is a way of life, and the brobean way of life will never be matched by any culture or any society past, present, or future.

Peter: "Whats up brobeans!!?"
Zach: "Brobeansssssss!!!"
John: "Brobeans..she bit my lip, ps check out how flexible i am!"

👍227 👎55

What does "brobean" mean?

An affectionate nickname that G-Mac might call you. It signifies that you are his bro.

G-Mac: whats up?
YKS: swagaroo
G-Mac: that's what's good brobean

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