Definder - what does the word mean?

What is branching out?

The act of shagging outside of your local parish.
Travelling to the next village for shag

Iโ€™m branching out lads... I hear thereโ€™s a fine filly in the next village

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branching out - video

Branching out - what is it?

A metamorphosis from being a lazy slacker to performing your job duties as expected.

"Instead of playing 'Guess the Emoji' today, I think I'm going to branch out and answer some emails."

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What does "branching out" mean?

Doing your thing or having a moment

Michael-Thatโ€™s sooo cool Rachel-Ya Iโ€™m branching out bro

๐Ÿ‘27 ๐Ÿ‘Ž11