Definder - what does the word mean?

What is boyfriend ex?

a duche fuck who probably told you that he loved you and never wanted to let you go and then decided that you were too negative for him, even though he was the one bitching and whinning all the time about how he broke his leg and couldn't do anything, then broke up with you to go out with a whore he probably slept with in college, and broke up with you through a fucking email while you were on vacation because he was too much of a pussy to do it in person.

my ex boyfriend should lie quietly while i cut off each limb of his body with a small knife, so its long and painful.

👍1141 👎365

boyfriend ex - video


Boyfriend ex - what is it?

Someone who will want you back after they see that you are happy without them. They will also admit they were bad to make you feel better. He might admit that he's changed.

My ex-boyfriend started talking to me just because he saw my relationship status change. He told me he's changed... BS!

👍59 👎15

What does "boyfriend ex" mean?

Men or immature boys who can't decide the difference between booty calls or a real relationship. They are like the lost boys from Peter Pan who choose to never grow up!

My ex boyfriend is a fag.

👍511 👎149

Boyfriend ex - what does it mean?

1. He who must not be named, otherwise known as douche bag face.
2. He is the subject of conversation for an indefinite amount of time, but he's not worth wasting your breath.
3. That guy whose stuff you keep finding and burning (except the jewerly).

Kevin, Tim, Greg, Stephen

👍689 👎205

Boyfriend ex - meaning

A smooth talker who broke your heart


👍253 👎65

Boyfriend ex - definition

The guy who cheats on you and then breaks up with you on your birthday because he "feels bad" and thinks "you desearve better"

My ex boyfriend is an asshole

👍445 👎105

Boyfriend ex - slang

A guy who you once liked/loved but decided you were better off without once he cheated on you with a 14 year old. and lied about being in the military. Beware, they are notorious for pretending to change so that you will take them back, but in reality, they are the same disgusting, lying, cheating, pig that you broke up with in the first place.

My ex boyfriend tried to call me on new years to come see him, so instead of answering, I sent him a picture of me hanging out with my favorite Marine.

👍81 👎17

Boyfriend ex

1. Someone who convinced you at one point that you were the only one for them but then decided to dump you when times got rough.
2. Someone who put you on high pedestal in the beginning but then became unattracted to you when they realized they couldn't give you what you wanted. So they purposely sabotaged the relationship and made you look like the bad person in the end. And to fill the void, they pursued other woman quickly after the break-up (including a mutual friend) and convinced themselves that YOU weren't good enough for them.
3. Someone you meet up with after the break-up who apologizes for everything they've done, kisses you, hugs you, holds your hand, and tells you sweet nothings only to make excuses (at the end) and admit that they STILL don't want to be with you anymore and that you two aren't meant to be.
4. Someone who plays with your emotions because they know you're still not over them.
5.. Someone who won't realize they lost the best thing they were ever going to have until it's too late.

Ex-boyfriend: I took you for granted...I really missed were the only girl who tried to understand me... *kiss* *hug* *holding hands*
(half an hour later) You're perfect..You're beautiful... I'm emotionally unstable... I don't know what I want in my life right now... I can't give you what you want... I want you to be happy... We're not made for each other, I don't want to go back out with you etc. etc.

👍109 👎21

Boyfriend ex

the one jerk you will always kinda love. that hurt you. that you gave a second chance to and he still hurt you! that will smile at you and wave then talk about you behind your back. the person you hope gets hit by a bus and wrecks his pretty little camero :)

One day day the ex-boyfriend is driving in his camero and "BOOM" he gets hit and it goes flying into a tree!

👍249 👎45

Boyfriend ex

a guy you once dated, but now either:
a. want dead
b. are "friends" with
c. hook up with every once in a while
d. have erased all traces that they ever existed in your life.

a. My ex boyfriend Jimmy should go play in traffic.
b. Bob and I are good friends now that all that annoying relationship crap isnt in our way. As long as he doesnt talk about his new girlfriend and how great she is...that is crossing the line.
c. We used to date but now we just fuck when we're lonely and/or bored.
d. Stephen who?

👍1011 👎187