Definder - what does the word mean?

What is box bitch?

A speaker used for ordering your gut bomb at a fast food place, talking to a teller at a bank drive through, or pretty much any speaker through which you cant understand a word thats being spoken.

Me: "could I just cash this check, please?"
Teller: "bwah doolah achamoo"
Me: "what? what the fuck did you say? I can't understand you through that bitch box!"

👍45 👎35

box bitch - video


Box bitch - what is it?

A linux box that's soul purpose is to serve mundane, one time information (ie DNS, routing or proxy serving)

Microsoft's DNS server is a bitchbox owned by akamai.

👍55 👎39

What does "box bitch" mean?

to punk out, shut down, or embarass haters one might encounter

man, i'mma box on these bitches that be tawn' dyne, know'm tawn' bot?

👍31 👎13

Box bitch - what does it mean?

The very person everyone use's as an outlet to explain their problems, and life situations. Usually the quite person who just looks smart to every bloody idiot with a whiney problem.
When you are the Bitch Box™ expect people to randomly talk to you about thier day..then progress into their problems and question you on how to fix it. You're no doctor so why the hell should you help them out?? just simply answer all emotional questions "yeah thats a bummer" "seems pretty intresting" or "yeah i'd say talk to him/her".

The Bitch Box can easily be manipulated on either AIM or the Tele. Usually they can not get out of a situation fast enough or come up with a good enough excuse. Be on top of your game for excuses if you don't want to be the Bitch Box.

If and When you are the Bitch Box, don't expect any care, just douchebags and whiney girls asking for advice.

Starring: Squarez, Jablez, Nillaz
Here is the Male/Male Bitch Box...not really a "sexual" matter just 2 dudes, one being a bitch who cries.
Sq: "hey jablez sup"
Jb: "man, my girlfriend just won't shut up about her dog"
Sq: "yeah that sucks"
Jb: "I know what should i do man?"

Sq: "fuck if i know, my cats attacking the mirror again" *logs off aim*

Sq: *gives advice, stays on aim*
Now here is the male/female bitch box situation:
Sq: "hey whats up nilla"
Nl: "hay man, my day sucked so bad...*goes on about day*"
Nl: "what do you think i should do about my job?

Sq: "um...i don't know i'm watching porn"

Sq: "well idk about that, but what else is up?"

Sq: "awww poor nillaz, *blahblahblah*"
<3 Square...srsly stop bitching to me people.

👍79 👎53

Box bitch - meaning

A woman's mouth.

Shut your bitchbox you irritating hobag.

👍167 👎79

Box bitch - definition

US Navy term for an intercom or amplified circuit used to communicate between spaces of the ship.

Who was calling on the bitch box?

👍117 👎35

Box bitch - slang

for a woman to get back in the kitchen

Louise, get back in your box bitch

👍57 👎21

Box bitch

Someone with a very average knowledge and and understanding of songs and musical terms but is always the one playing the music. This person is fine until you encounter his control over the music on multiple occasions. He would play the same songs and name the genre pretending to have a deep understanding.

Johno is such a boom box bitch. His plaist consists of 10 songs but he always insists on playing his music when we meet up. He also pretends to know his stuff about music but he actually doesn't know anything.

👍25 👎11

Box bitch

A person who constantly leaves people on read or "boxes" them on Snapchat.

Person A: Cierra is a total box bitch
Person B: I know she keeps leaving me on read

👍25 👎11

Box bitch

A guy who is too dumb to do anything else at work besides carry boxes from one place to another.

It's hysterical to watch Jim, the box bitch, carry everyone's boxes around.

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