Definder - what does the word mean?

What is booty jew?

A Jew with a fine peice of behind, naw sayin?

Hitler: I found you, Miss Jew Booty!
Jew: Please don't send me to the Lollercaust!

👍85 👎55

booty jew - video


Booty jew - what is it?

a noun used to describe a girls butt or to diss something.

"damn that girl got jew booty!"

"man, that party was jew booty"

👍97 👎59

What does "booty jew" mean?

When a female is real stingy with the booty like a Jew is with money. Also know as a prude.

Man, Meghan is being a real booty jew these days. She hasn't let go of that booty for weeks.

👍47 👎21