Definder - what does the word mean?

What is boob face?

when boobs on face

boob face

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boob face - video


Boob face - what is it?

When someone is wearing a mask and their nose sticks out

β€œBro you got under-boob-face”
β€œOh really? My bad”

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What does "boob face" mean?

A cunt with the face of boobs.

Sarah Jessica Parker. Boob faced cunt. nuff said.

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Boob face - what does it mean?

a long fuckin burn that schools the shit out of any dis you get.

Bully: "Hey gimme some money lil bitch."

little bitch: "No u give ME some money ya mother fuckin' titty suckin' two ball bitch with flat granny boobs, face full of testicles, a ping pong pussy and a 2 inch crooked rubber dick with no balls or hair."

mother fuckin' titty suckin' two ball bitch with flat granny boobs, face full of testicles, a ping pong pussy and a 2 inch crooked rubber dick with no balls or hair:
"Shut up. JUST SHUT UP. (runs away crying)"

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Boob face - meaning

a very stupid looking person


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Boob face - definition

Boobs, usually small perky ones, on a womans face...Yes they're real....if you thought they were fake you are in for the most amazing feeling in your life when u find out they exist...i've seen em...glorious glorious face boobs...

that chick has face boobies
i like to kiss face boobs
i like to use my schlong to slap face boobs

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Boob face - slang

Someone who has boobs on there face or is extremly fat

Fat guys who eats Mc. Donalds all day nd a skiny kid calls him a "Boob Face Bitch" because he is eating to much

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Boob face

Pink, rash-like condition on an infant's face, occurs after breast feeding. Most likely used in a funny way.

"Whoa, that baby has a severe case of boob-face, how long was he on?"

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Boob face

When a girl presses your face into her boobs.

My girlfriend gave me a boob face when we were making out.

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Boob face

A male or female, whom is acting like a big Double D boob.

My boyfriend was being such a boob face the other day when he wouldn't come over.

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