Definder - what does the word mean?

What is boob-noob?

something you say when someone gets absolutely owned

Quandale: "My mom is so awesome"
Johnny: "I fucked her"
Everyone: "NOOB BOOBED"

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Boob-noob - what is it?

Small breasts, (telling someone they have noob boobs is an insult)

she has noob boobs
*or noobish boobs

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What does "boob-noob" mean?

A term used for when you would rather hang out with a girl than a guy friend.

Bro 1: Dude, wanna hang at Jacob's?

Bro 2: Nah man, Emily is coming over.

Bro 1: Come on, dude! Again?!

Bro 2: Boobs before noobs, man.

👍161 👎23

Boob-noob - what does it mean?

a fricken noob, that is a toal boob yeah, in a bee hive WHOOO A BEE HIVE

hey u frickin boob noob, your a noob.

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Boob-noob - meaning

Someone who is young, old, or middle aged that is blissfully unaware that their boobs are like pinpoints sticking out of their shirts.

Omg! That grandma is such a boob noob!

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Boob-noob - definition

To put it simply, a virgin. Can also be referred to someone who has never touched a woman's breast before.

Kyle: Hey, you know that John's a virgin, right?
Bob: Ha! What a boob-noob.

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Boob-noob - slang

a person(usually a young male) who very poorly begins to fondle the female breast. They make very awkward motions and tend to hurt the poor little boobies, the girl then goes and finds someone who knows what they are doing. Usually this is the noobs older brother.

Bekka: "So Hailey how was Kyle last night? *wink*"

Hailey: "Such a boob noob! It was so freakin painful! But don't worry his big brother Mikey made them feel better!"

Bekka: "HAHAHAHAHA! Such a boob noob!"

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