Definder - what does the word mean?

What is blow gun?

Placing pez in your pee hole before you nut inside an orifice

Bend over, looks like you need a Mississippi blow gun!

👍25 👎11

blow gun - video


Blow gun - what is it?

when you are smokin tell some one to turn tha blunt around and blow it into ur mouth

Yo take tha blunt and BLOW ME A GUN

👍65 👎35

What does "blow gun" mean?

Device used to inflict pain on other males; usually in the genital area. Also, can be used to kill swiggers.

I will shoot your swigger tail with this blow gun!

👍27 👎23

Blow gun - what does it mean?

Rimming a man while giving a hearty reach around, then spitting just as he is about to blow his load making it look like you spat through his hole body, As if using a Tahiti blow gun.

I totally gave Ben the Tahiti blow gun last night it looked like I spat through his whole body!

👍57 👎13