Definder - what does the word mean?

What is blew up my spot?

2 rat ur self out by accident.

Leslee: u gona go c ur sister's friend Alicia 2day?
Benny: no, i saw her yesterday
Leslee: i thought u were out wit ur boyz yesterday?
Benny: O shit, i blew up my spot

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blew up my spot - video


Blew up my spot - what is it?

telling some ones personal or big secret

Me:stop botherin me before i blow up your spot son.
Sam:i dare u.
Me:yo tameka you know sam just stopped eatin his boggers this year.
Tameka:Yo sam she just blew up your spot.
Sam:yo u just blew up my spot son.

👍135 👎67

What does "blew up my spot" mean?

To try to make someone look stupid by breaking through a facad, lie, exaggeration, or distorted truth. Usually used when a guy or chick is trying to hype themselves up, and someone calls them on it.

Yo, that bitch tried to blow my spot!!

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