Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bitch bag?

A bag which contains the body parts of a murdered woman.

Jimmy is in the bath room cutting Karen up, I think he is going to stuff her into a bitch bag then dump her into the river.

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bitch bag - video


Bitch bag - what is it?

Someone who is acting like a little girl, being scared of doing something. Similar to douche bag, but a bitch instead.

Why don't you want to go to the party tonight, quit being a bitch bag and let's go.

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What does "bitch bag" mean?


"My feet feel like they're going to mars every time I put them into these warm, slick fuckin' bitch bags."

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Bitch bag - what does it mean?

A dress purchased by a boyfriend or pimp. THe dress is chosen not because he thinks the girl will like it. It is selected because the pimp or boyfriend likes how it might make his girl look.

Did you see Frank at the mall yesterday? He had like two new Bitch Bags for Sandy.

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Bitch bag - meaning

This word came from a misunderstanding between my Wife and Myself. One day while putting the groceries away, I asked her where the milk was. She replied "it's in the bag"! There were at least 10 bags and I said "Which Bag"? She came around the corner and said "What did you call me"? I said "nothing, I asked "which bag""! We both laughed because she thought I had called her a "Bitch-Bag".

She's all that and a Bag of Bitch!

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Bitch bag - definition

A person or animal that is grumpy and unsociable, this is normally fathers and their annoying daughters.

"Why are you such a bitch-bag lexi?"

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Bitch bag - slang

combative little bitch. always disagreeing trying to be sarcastic and annoying for attention like a little bitch child.

Laufey is such a little bitch bag complaining because nobody is paying attention to her.

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Bitch bag

When a women places a bag(s) next to them on a subway, bench, ect. So no one can sit next to them.

Do you see that lady in the subway? She was bitch bagging.

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Bitch bag

A purse or a woman's handbag

Keetra went to the mall with some of her pimp's scrilla and bought three new bitch bags, that bitch!

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Bitch bag

large black tote bags with greek sorority letters on the front. can usually be seen being worn by bitchy sorority girls on college campuses nation wide. usually seen as status symbol.

look at amy's new bitch bag, she thinks she's hot shit.

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