Definder - what does the word mean?

What is binte?

reaching the stage when you KNOW you're too hammered

i cannot believe im so binted!

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binte - meme gif

binte meme gif

binte - video


Binte - what is it?

A colloquial word for slag, tart, bimbo, a girl not well liked, etc

15 year old Rose was a bint! She went out with a 23 year old bloke!

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What does "binte" mean?

In Scots, used to be a term for an attractive female though now mostly used as an insult. A stupid, bitchy or undesirable girl.

"shutit ya wee bint"

"See that fucking bint of a bird you've got? She's doing ma nut right in. Get it sorted."

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Binte - what does it mean?

The Arab meaning of the word "woman" but often used as a sexist term towards women.

"Give me my food you bint"

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Binte - meaning

a whore

lilianna is such a bint she refuses to air pervy men in her scs literal slag x

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Binte - definition

Something thats cool yet controversial

p1: guys look i made an impostor pancake!!!
p2:bro.. kinda binted.
p3:i have your ip address

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Binte - slang

A bint is a derogatory word used to describe a female who is a bit of a shitstirrer, slut, slag, tart or mouthpiece, it doesn’t get used much now but it’s predominantly an Edinburgh word.

β€œThat Sarah slept with my boyfriend, the little bint that she is”
β€œWhat a wee bint she is shouting her mouth off”

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English slang for a whore or bitch. Similar to a tart.

" can't proclaim yourself king just because some moistend bint lobbed a scimitar at you." -Monty Python, Holy Grail

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when you are intentionally feeding in League of Legends which is also called "inting" but in lower elo. Based off a pun on BTEJCYJ

"Why are you running it down mid?"
"Don't worry he's always binting"

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A cute girl with the most golden heart ever. She’s full of joy and introspection and having a binte in your life makes your life 1000x better. To have a binte in your life though you must treat her amazingly

β€œDude.. I wish I had a Binte in my life :/β€œ

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