Definder - what does the word mean?

What is billigate?

Et produkt eller en tjeneste med lavere pris enn hva det vanligvis ville koste

Wow! Den koster bare 19,90 kr
"JΓΈss, det er billig!"

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

billigate - meme gif

billigate meme gif

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Billigate - what is it?

To model an expression of ones idea

When I'm by myself I billigate.

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

What does "billigate" mean?

The act of being excessively diligent about billing. A billigent person invents obtuse ways of billing clients and passers-by alike for any reason vaguely linking others to owing money to them.

The billigent attorney would spend more time billing his clients than actually working for them. Every second of his waking hours was spent going over his client list, that way he could bill all his clients on a continual basis and back it up with time-entries like "status update" which actually meant all he did was think of their name and if any new activities were associated with them. More often than not, nothing had changed, given that his "status updates" occurred on an hourly basis. Billigent practices are frowned upon by ethical attorneys.

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