Definder - what does the word mean?

What is big jill?

Morgz's Mum aka Big Jill a about 100 year old lady that can't live without mc donald's and lives in her son's house and his name is Morgz aka photocopier because love use mr beasts ideas

Morgz's Mum aka Big Jill a lady that lives in her son's house and eat's too much Mc Donald's

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big jill - video


Big jill - what is it?

A 'Big Jill' is a cringy woman who shouts because she thinks we're death and tries to rap but does so terribly. A 'Big Martin' though is a man who seems thoroughly excited about everything and is a male version of a 'Big Jill'

You like Big Jill's raps how could you!

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What does "big jill" mean?

A synonym for the devil. Despite being re-married to the human form of God Bald Martin, she is the devil’s final form. She is sneakier than The Spanish Inquisition and has a semi-demon son called Morgan.

1) If you go to hell you will see Big Jill
2) You look Big Jillish today

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Big jill - what does it mean?

She mother to clickbate king morgz and often pranks the god that is bald Martin

Big Jill pranked bald Martin

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