Definder - what does the word mean?

What is big benis?

God amongst man owner of r/freenagers and r/freenagers discord.
A very kind person and is very helpful in the community also poster on r/dankmemes.
And he has the best dog.

Person 1: did you hear about Big Bepis Benis?
Person 2: yeah I just cal him bbb tho
Person 1: did you hear he is in a relationship with eppe?
Person 2: aww cute so he’s gay

πŸ‘29 πŸ‘Ž15

big benis - video


Big benis - what is it?

Unrelatedly similar to the normal definition of benis. When it’s bigger benis it’s muy mal. When looking for anime in the Philippines dig deep.

I searched my guide for big benis

πŸ‘33 πŸ‘Ž15

What does "big benis" mean?

A big but that has a penis on the side

That dude has a big benis

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