Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bi-phobic?

The bitch of bitches , no such thing as a bigger pussy , 2 phobia induced terror trauma , fueled from his #1 biggest fear -anthony lavacca and the lesser being his own shadow. the only thing that stops a fear induced choma is his biggest nightmare anthony lavacca actually haunting him in his nightmares during infinite sleep . People say things to him like" pelle you are a sissy nigga." Or "what a pathetic bitch"

Girl1- " so what happened with you and pelle las night "

Girl2- " I was drunk naked in his bed rubbing my pussy and he wouldn't even take his eyes off some stupid slot game on his phone"
Girl1- "wow you chill with some bi-phobic bitch ass pussy niggas , you needa get you a lavacca"

Sentence 2/next day

Pelle- "Ahshjhhaha (puke) (shits) zzzzz (faints)"
Lavacca-(to girl 2) -"weird no answer "
Girl 2-(stops suckin his dick) "he's a bi-phobic bitch ass pussy nigga your his worse nightmare "

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bi-phobic - meme gif

bi-phobic meme gif

bi-phobic - video


Bi-phobic - what is it?

A person who's against people who like both genders.

They only approve of people who like one gender. This is somewhat different than homophobics. Bi-phobics dislike people who are attracted to both genders, while homophobics dislike men and women that are attracted to their own gender.

Alexander: Guys, I'd like to confess to all of you that I'm a bisexual.
Tony: You're a disgrace towards men! Men aren't supposed to be attracted to both genders, it's only right to be attracted to one, which is either man or woman.
Jenna: I strongly disagree with your opinion and I'm asking you to walk away. We don't approve of Bi-phobics in this area.

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