Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bechamel?

Yet another loud wikinazi from Russian Wikipedia. Nothing new.

I konw Bechamel - said no one.
I trust Bechamel - said no one.
Bechamel is a cool guy - said no one.

👍33 👎11

bechamel - meme gif

bechamel meme gif

bechamel - video


Bechamel - what is it?

Yet another crazy wikinazi who defends other freak OneLittleMouse freak from Russian Wikipedia and elsewhere.

I know Bechamel - said no one.
I trust Bechamel - said no one.
Bechamel is a cool guy - said no one.

👍33 👎11

What does "bechamel" mean?

creamy vaginal fluids

her cum was the perfect bechamel sauce for my cock a la king.

👍39 👎41