Definder - what does the word mean?

What is beatin' it up?

Going hard in a social setting; having a good time

Damn bro, you were really beatin it up last night!

👍25 👎11

beatin' it up - video


Beatin' it up - what is it?

when a man fucks a female in the ass.

sarah said to rae: "eew. why would a nigga fuck in the ass when theres a wet pussy in front of him."

rae: "i knoww right??!! its like....-"
sarah:"its like a pussy comes out white when a female cums."
rae: "eeww!! and the ass itll come out brown!!!"
s:"hahaha!! like chocolate!!!"
r: "yeahh!! and the niggas cum is white like milk...milk and chocolate!!!"
s: "hahahaha makin brownies!!"
both: "beatin up the brownie batter!!!!"

👍35 👎35

What does "beatin' it up" mean?

to cruise around city streets while listening to extremely loud music, preferably rap

Aaron: A yo man lets go cruise around Beatin up da Block!
Joel: 4 sho!

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Beatin' it up - what does it mean?

to have rough sex with someone.

man, alex was beatin' it up with that broad last night!

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