Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bastard cunt?

when you nut in her ass

you stupid fucking retard bastard ass fucker cunt dick

👍35 👎25

bastard cunt - video


Bastard cunt - what is it?

Can be heard when the local tramp bangs his leg.

Stupid fucking retard bastard ass fucker cunt dickhead! I banged my leg.

👍299 👎77

What does "bastard cunt" mean?

when you are intoxicated, one of the best words in the English dictionary to say

When Stuart gets drunk, he loves to call everybody a cunt bastard.

👍93 👎43

Bastard cunt - what does it mean?

A fusion of 2 great insults to create an epic one. Calling someone a cunt bastard will end all arguments with you being declared the winner by default.

steve is a cunt bastard.

👍63 👎11

Bastard cunt - meaning

Two slang words put together in an awsome context, (bastard, one who is born whislst parents are still un-married,) (cunt a womens vagina, mmm my favorite!)
used together sometimes to maybe emphsise a point.

I didnt go out and get drunk last night, i went out and got pissed as a bastard cunt!

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