Definder - what does the word mean?

What is barve?

it means "bald fade" it can basically be used as any word. It can also mean the N word. but in certain sentences

"you got a barv dae" "ugly ass barv dae"

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barve meme gif

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Barve - what is it?

The best team in base ball.

The Altanta Barves swept the New York Mess.

👍37 👎13

What does "barve" mean?

Barve is the opposite of wO0t. It's use is more like shucks, but tragic.

SCRUFFY: Where are you Doc?


SCRUFFY: Doc you still playing ??

Dr Snuggles: brb

Dr Snuggles has the enemy flag.

SCRUFFY (Sniper) Dr Snuggles

Dr Snuggles: barve !!!!!!!!!!!!

👍35 👎23