Definder - what does the word mean?

What is banning spree?

For a moderator or administraitor of some sort banning alot of people in a short period of time. With or without reason, and for any period of time.

Miniclip Fourms:

Catguy333: *SPAM*
Catguy444: *SPAM*
Catguy555: *TROLL*
Catguy666: *GOOD POSTS*
Catguy777: *FLAMING*
Moderator: *Bans Catguy333, Catguy444, Catguy555, Catguy666, and Catguy777*
Dogguy: Wow, Moderator just went on a banning spree.
Moderator: *Bans Dogguy*

👍41 👎11

banning spree - video
