Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bang and go?

'Bang bang guns go bang' is chanted in the chorus of 'Kiss Me, I'm Contagious', a well-known From First To Last song.
Possibly the WORST fad ever.
Used by "scene/emo" kids in their MSN display name, signatures (mainly Neopets) and on their Myspace profile, sometimes as a picture caption.

Usually accompanied by hearts (<3,


👍95 👎59

bang and go - video


Bang and go - what is it?

Overused lyrics used in many MSN display names and signatures on form sites.

'Bang Bang Guns Go Bang' is from the song 'Kiss Me, I'm Contagious' by From First To Last.

omg i luv dis song11!11!

👍43 👎17

What does "bang and go" mean?

A motel on the side of the road that has hourly rates. Where one would have sex (bang) and leave (go). Hence the saying bang-n-go.

Wow that bang-n-go looks really nice.

Honey I can't wait we need to find a bang-n-go.

👍29 👎11

Bang and go - what does it mean?

When a woman strategicly puts their clothes in a pile before relations and leaves immediately after like the Grinch.

I met a guy on tinder and decided to bang and go

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