Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bananular?

A type of cell phone that comes from the banana phone song.

My cellular bananular phone just died!

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bananular - video


Bananular - what is it?

~Of or relating to a banana
~It's used in Raffi's song "Banana Phone"

"Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
Banana phone
Ping pong ping pong ping pong ping
Ponana phone

It's no baloney,
It ain't a phony,
My cellular,

👍109 👎25

What does "bananular" mean?

adj: wicked awesome. good in a goofy sort of way

Think the getting laid in the car right after the first time you saw Austin Powers and you said " Yeah, baby!". Thats bananular.

👍33 👎47

Bananular - what does it mean?

1.) A nice, compact, travel-size type of banana phone.

2.) A nice compliment for someone.

1.) "I've got my bananular phone with me today. It's yellowish color matches my purse."

2.) "Wow, Sue! That dress makes you look so bananular!"

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