Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bam kneez?

The act of bumping kneez with your friend/homie

Dude that was awesome! Bam Kneez? *Bams knees*

👍29 👎15

bam kneez - video


Bam kneez - what is it?

Something that's really cool and gets you juiced.

Wow we really tore that up dude! BAM KNEEZ!!

👍31 👎11

What does "bam kneez" mean?

An indescribable act, feeling, or moment. Also can be simply hitting knees with another person as a friendly gesture in the place of a handshake, fist bump, or high five. It has lately evolved into just a loose term.

Jordan was overcome with the bam kneez!!

Mindless dude #1: Yo dude!
Mindless dude #2: (pointing at Mindless dude #1 with both hands) Bam Kneez!

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