Definder - what does the word mean?

What is balls first?

A contemporary skiing technique where one thrusts their groin forward so that their testicles are out in front at all times. Also effective for boules and frisbee.

"The best way to go down the maintain is balls first!"

👍27 👎13

balls first - video


Balls first - what is it?

1)where a man makes a decision, completly diregarding all concequnces that may occur in the result of this action. this may include dating a married woman, buying a piece of crap car, drinking a whole bottle of tequilla then waking up in bath tub next to a stripper named candy whose ironiclly enough... a married 17 year old who ralphed in your 1989 ford aerostar last night. awesome!

2)where a skater/bmx'er/snowboarder etc.. falls from a great distance and lands on his balls being the first to hit the ground. :-(

1) yea my friend grant went to jail for wrecking that stolen corvette.oh well, he said he was going balls first when he told me he was going to rob a bank "point break" style.

2) dude, i was like, totally hitting this bodacious rail, and then BAM! i hit balls first, i think one nut went inside for a sec.

👍69 👎31