Definder - what does the word mean?

What is backseat nigga?

One not worthy of sitting in the front seat.

"Get to the back, you a backseat nigga."

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

backseat nigga - video


Backseat nigga - what is it?

A member in the crew who isn't really part of the crew. A backseat nigga drifts in and out

"Aye man, where's trey?"
"He's out with another crew"
"Oh, he's the backseat nigga, huh?"

πŸ‘31 πŸ‘Ž13

What does "backseat nigga" mean?

A backseat nigga is dumb ass nigga that rides in the backseat because you can’t fuckin stand him in the front seat.

Yo get in the back bruh
Cuz u is a backseat nigga

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