Definder - what does the word mean?

What is back sack?

Grabbing your package and putting it in upwards of your butt cheeks.

Do Not tuck your sack back, we are Powerhouse!

👍37 👎13

back sack - video


Back sack - what is it?

the area between the back of your ball sack and asshole

"You can lick the back of my sack."
"Justin likes to lick the leftover toilet paper from the back of my sack."

👍47 👎39

What does "back sack" mean?

The removal of hair from the back, nutsack and between the ass cheeks to achieve a more groomed and streamlined look. Usually done by waxing at a salon, or by various do-it-yourself means in the home setting.

Jason has been begging his girl to toss his salad, but she says she won't get near it til he gets a Back, Crack and Sack.

👍115 👎31

Back sack - what does it mean?

When one man places his sack on another man's back. Used in the penis showing game

Wacko:(standing shirtless working out)I love working out
Ed: (standing naked)I love my sack on people's backs
(jumps on Wacko's back, and his sack is on Wacko's back, thus giving him sack back)
Wacko: God damn it Ed!
Ed: Gotchya Wacko!
(Proceeds to kick Wacko in the ass twice)

👍27 👎17

Back sack - meaning

When a males scrotum is hard like a turtle's shell.

Man, these tighty whities gave me a turtle-back sack.

👍59 👎19

Back sack - definition

The removal of hair from the back, nutsack and between the ass cheeks to achieve a more groomed and streamlined look. Usually done by waxing at a salon, or by various do-it-yourself means in the home setting.

Jason has been begging his girl to toss his salad, but she says she won't get near it til he gets a Back, Sack and Crack.

👍577 👎227

Back sack - slang

The assault of one's testicles from behind. Generally, the victim is bent over, however a standing attack up the legs is also commonplace.

Often times, the assailant will yell "back sack attack!" either at contact, or after the strike is complete.

Winding up for a kick, Ben positioned himself behind a bent-over Matt. Using mostly the flick of his foot unto the scrotum, Ben yelled "Back sack attack!" before Matt ever got the chance to react. Devolving into his fetal position, Matt sat writhing in pain.

👍35 👎11

Back sack

Back Sack is the backside of ones scrotum.

A: Yo dog, I can't believe you just ball-tapped me from behind, you got all back-sack.
B: Ew, check out that old guy's back-sack hanging out of his pants.
C: Check out Katz's shaved back-sack.
D: Mom, Jacob put his back-sack on my face.

👍65 👎21

Back sack

an unfourtunate birth defect where instead of having a nutsack next to your tallywacker, you have one on your back

I fell off my bike and my back sack exploded

👍43 👎53

Back sack

the back of your peaches

the back of your nut sack gets hit and your like ahh my back sack.

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