Definder - what does the word mean?

What is aylssa?

two lovers , DeQuan is better than alyssa thoo

DeQuan Is Better Than Alyssa ,


👍29 👎11

aylssa - meme gif

aylssa meme gif

aylssa - video


Aylssa - what is it?

A girl who steals guys sweaters and pees on them multiple times causing him to throw it away

Nathan: You have to clean that and give me 10 bucks.
Aylssa: Okay but let me pee on it again

👍29 👎27

What does "aylssa" mean?

A slut, normaly uglier than bum hairs.

Georgia: Eww whos that ugly slut

Lauren: Ahhh thats Aylssa shes ferral

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