Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ass pic day?

Send this to a chick and see wot chu get

Ahaha look it’s national ass and tit pic day

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž11

ass pic day - video


Ass pic day - what is it?

The only time you can send a ass pic under no nut november.

You have to send a ass pic , Why? it's National ass pic day november 19th.

πŸ‘35 πŸ‘Ž13

What does "ass pic day" mean?

on the monday of may 3rd it is national ass pic day and is deemed respectful to send an ass pic either of whoever you choose for the holiday or whoever ask for one

national ass pic day may 3rd

1: you know what day it is

2: hell yeah i do
1: here you go
2: damn you juicy asf

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž11

Ass pic day - what does it mean?

On July 1st, you must send your friend or boyfriend an ass pic

It’s national ass pic day! πŸ‘€

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž11

Ass pic day - meaning

21st January is National Ass Pic day, send ass pics to all your friends

John: Hey did you know it’s National Ass Pic Day
Julia: fine you win

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž11

Ass pic day - definition

Celebrated on December 22nd

Girl 1: my homie
Said it’s national ass pic day what do I do?

Girl 2: just full send it and bless your mans!

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž11

Ass pic day - slang

Celebrated on October 28th, send ass pics day is a national holiday in which the recipient of a screenshot of this post is required to respond with an ass pic as per U.S. Federal Law.

Person 1: *sends screenshot of post*
Person 2: *sends ass pic*
Person 1: I love Send ass pics day.

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

Ass pic day

On the 27th of June girls should send ass pics to whoever they want. Guys can screenshot them or do whatever they want with them until the end of the day

Hey man what are you doing tomorrow?
Staying in allll day. It’s National ass pic day!

πŸ‘29 πŸ‘Ž15

Ass pic day

This event happens on the 6th of every month,

Guy: Happy Ass pic day
Gal: *Send's ass pick* Happy ass pic day

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Ass pic day

From October 9th To October 15th you can ask anyone for an ass pic and they have to send

"it's the ass pic days you gotta send one"

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