Definder - what does the word mean?

What is aryana?

Persian Sheep herder with a big ass dick

Aryana has many happy goats

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aryana - meme gif

aryana meme gif

aryana - video


Aryana - what is it?

a noble woman
of a noble race
The female format of the name Aryan
An Iranian woman
One descended from the master race Aryan

She is so pretty, no doubt that she is an Aryana.

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What does "aryana" mean?

An Aryana is the best person you will ever meet. She is smart, kind, loving and more. An Aryana will love animals like dogs or otters but HATES animals that are a reptile or spiders. She is most likely a hufflepuff. An Aryana is easy to fall in love with but she chooses carefully. There is usually one person that she has her eyes on for a while and then if that doesn't work out she will take a bit to move on. She communicates better with notes than talking in person. An Aryana's favorite thing to do with the person she loves is Netflix and chill. Lastly an Aryana can take one look at you and know somethings up. If she cares or not depends on your relationship.

"I just got my favorite flowers delivered to my house with a note signed A."
'It must be Aryana, it sounds just like her. Your so lucky!"

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Aryana - what does it mean?

A beautiful girl that is crazy and nice.
Loves animals and guys, she has a big heart also.
She loves making peoples days and is the most funniest girl.
She is beast at basketball and soccer too. If you know an Aryana you are lucky! Aryana is very hott too. She is pretty awesome.

Aryana has dark and and dark colored eyes

Dude 1: Man is that Aryana?

Dude 2: Yeaah shes sexy!
Dude 1: Yeahh i know!

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Aryana - meaning

An Aryana is beautiful, she's to humble to admit it. An Aryana is talented and can make you laugh no matter what your talking about. Very easy to fall in love with. Once you fall in love with an Aryana, they will always be in your mind. An Aryana is in to all kinds of music and loves to express how they feel. Very honest, and loving.

"Look at that chick." -John
"Wow, most definitely an Aryana"-Frank

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Aryana - definition

A being who appears to be ominipotent! One so full of himself that he is sad enough to put a good definition of hiself rather than the regular DICK HEAD or that SMEGGING SMEGGER

Jesus Christ look at that Aryana, his ass is so flat!!

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Aryana - slang

A 32 year old white male from a South Carolina trailer park who likes to go on message boards and pretend he is a 15 year old female, viking separatist but who spells it seperatist.

Princess aryana, r u really as big an idiot as everone thinks, or is it all satire.

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Generally slimly challenged as well as mentally retarded, but well endowed where it matters!!! No thats just a poor joke, he is really just a pillock, and a dog-shafter!!!

Holy SMEG batman, it's that ugly aryana again, with the one and only fanny!!!!!

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A crack whore.

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though aryana may seem confusing, she is always down to have a deep conversation with you but really only talks to those who she is comfortable around. she doesn’t really have a friend group and sticks to individual friends who she can trust with her life, she’s had her share of toxic relationships and friendships which is why she chooses to keep her count small. most of the time, aryana’s friendships rely on how involved the other person is in her life. if anyone puts little to no effort into their friendship and refuses to be the first to message then she won’t hesitate to give them that same energy back. not going to lie, aryana can be extremely annoying at times but if she does show you that side of her around you then it is probably because she likes being in your presence and feels that she can be her true self. aryana doesn’t seem like someone who really cares about school but it’s actually her only source of happiness and also her main source of depression. this is because every ounce of validation that aryana has ever received has always been from her grades in school and she feels the need to base her self worth on it. academic validation can be difficult to attain for aryana since she’s actually extremely stupid. many times, aryana can seem strong and independent but in reality shes on the edge. what she really needs is someone that she can rely on and tell every detail of her day to.

dude, who’s this aryana girl?

don’t even try bro.. shes the most complicated person you’ll ever meet.

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