Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ankle-biter?

(On the Internet)

A user who attempts to troll other users, but lacks the skills required. An ineffective troll.

Can we get some real trolls in this forum, these ankle biters are becoming annoying.

Keep trying anklebiter, someday you may grow into a real troll.

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ankle-biter meme gif

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Ankle-biter - what is it?

Someone or something that bites your ankles.
To a postman, an ankle biter is often known as a dog.
To an adult, an ankle biter may be a toddler.
To hikers, an ankle biter is sometimes a tick.
And so on.

"Dang ankle biter took off my whole leg!!"

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What does "ankle-biter" mean?

A small dog.

Our postman hates coming here because of our ankle biter dog!

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Ankle-biter - what does it mean?

Someone who cannot rise to your level, and who can only bite your ankles instead of being able to really bite your head off.

Folks of lower altitude.

My boss is an ankle biter and he's doing well as such

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Ankle-biter - meaning

a toddler. A child between the ages of 1 and 4.

"Yeah, she's all married an' got a buncha little ankle biters runnin' around"

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Ankle-biter - definition

A person who you briefly dated, who won't let go of the relationship; similar to when a small dog bites your pant leg and can't be shaken off.

Kelly can't take a hint, she continues to call me - she's such an ankle-biter

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Ankle-biter - slang

A football/soccer player (usually a defender or defensive midfielder) who may not have good football skills, but can tackle in a hard, aggressive manner.

That Nigel de Jong is such an ankle-biter, always dishing out bruises!

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a catch-all term for small dogs who tend, as a group, to be tough, feisty litle beasts and are often touchy and quarrelsome.

many of the terrier breeds

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A little kid; a rug rat.

Only ankle-biters like Barney; everyone else wants to barbecue him.

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Someone that feels the need to overcompensate in any way,for any kinda shortcoming; ala small,loud barking dogs that bite your ankles to show you their workin' wit' sumthin'..

To the meathead at the bar that's all angry & likes to kiss his muscles, "Dude! Stop bein' such an ankle-biter!"

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