Definder - what does the word mean?

What is aleeza?

Aleeza is a sexy human being. Her ass is so huge, it has its own gravitational pull.

holy shit!! Aleeza's ass just knocked down a whole building

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aleeza - video


Aleeza - what is it?

If you know an Aleeza You will probably find she is headstrong, doesn't care about what people think about her, will win any fight and you do not want to be a bully around her because she fights for what she thinks is right.

Aleeza has lots of friends because of this, you can not help liking her! She is so unique, probably clever, totally a leader bet yet she can be so kind and gentle. Though I have to say Aleeza can probably a very strong punch or retort ! She also has a bit of a temper but you don't see that often.

Girl 1:No please I am sorry
Bully: Ugly girls can't sit here!
Aleeza: watch your mouth (to bully) Do you know what a heart is?

Bully: yeah so (rolls eyes)
Aleeza: Its what you don't have (to girl one) come sit with us we don't jugde by your outside you just have to be a nice


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What does "aleeza" mean?

aleezas sexy and hot. the coolest person ever. she’s underrated and deserves more recognition and attention. everyone needs an aleeza in their life.

(i am aleeza)

β€œjeez aleeza’s cool af bro”


β€œi know, thanks.”

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Aleeza - what does it mean?

Aleeza is a girl that everyone not only likes, but if you get to know her, you will fall in love with her. She acts like she’s tough but everyone knows she’s really sensitive on the inside. She cries a lot and overthinks everything. She’s beautiful in a way where it looks like the thought never occurs to her. She’s really nice to everyone she meets, regardless of how they are to her. She’ll defend everyone, even if you don’t think they deserve to be defended. She’s got big dreams. Aleezas are the most loyal people you’ll meet. Aleezas have eyes like stars and there personalities are like fireworks. Her energy is contagious.

Damn the room lights up everytime Aleeza walks in.
I wonder why Aleeza’s crying now.

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Aleeza - meaning

She's a drop dead gorgeous girl who never fails to make me smile. Aleeza is the best person I've ever met and I think I'm in love with her. She's not like other girls, because she's confident and doesn't show off. I've loved her since Year 3 when we had to sit by eachother for the whole year and the next. One of the best people I've ever met and I'd date her any day.

She's so aleeza.

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Aleeza - definition

A name meaning happiness or joyfulness in hebrew. Aleeza is a fun loving girl that can always make you smile. If you find an Aleeza make sure you hold on to her because they're hard to find and she will change your life.

Person1:Dude did you see that Aleeza girl?
Person2: Yeah man when she walked in the room lit up.

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Aleeza - slang

Aleeza is the most beautiful and drop dead gorgeous girl in this world. If you ever lay your eyes on her you'll definitely fall in love with her. Her eyes are very beautiful and mesmerizing. She is super down to earth and always turn things around and makes them positive wherever she goes. She gives off a really positive energy. She's really sweet and cute. She is also very funny and goofy. She can make anyone die of laughter. She can also be very serious when you need her to be. She will always be honest and loyal to you. She will always be right by you. She's very intelligent also so she's basically perfect. She's perfect in every way possible. She is a very talented and unique girl. Never ever let her go.

Wait is her name Aleeza?
Then, keep her she must be amazing

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The name Aleeza means happiness in Hebrew. She is a smart, beautiful girl.

Thank you Aleeza! Your so sweet!

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aleeza is a unique, smart, beautiful, kind girl. she's different and she's fun to be around. i'm a friend of a girl named aleeza and she changed the world for me. she got me through tough times, she was always by me. she treats everyone nicely even if someone can be rude. aleeza is very special and I'm happy that I found her. she's a precious girl and even if she makes mistakes, she solves them or moves on. she's beautiful inside out.

Christine: aleeza is so beautiful and perfect
Adam: very

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super annoying

aleeza is not funny

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