Definder - what does the word mean?

What is aj railfan?

AJ Railfan is a railfan from California that foams over kiso 6 (Thanks to Colby).
AJ Railfan is a funny memer person that has a YT channel and a Discord Server.

Person1: Are you part of AJs server?
Person2: Ya! It's fun there

Person1: I agree, his YT videos Are funny too
Person2: I know right

AJ Railfan is a railfan from California that foams over kiso 6 (Thanks to Colby).
AJ Railfan is a funny memer person that has a YT channel and a Discord Server.

👍27 👎33

aj railfan - video


Aj railfan - what is it?

some caltrain simp that foams over f40phs and hates everything that alex tells him to. His discord server is a dumpster fire filled with underage users and foamers. He simps for caltrain. His YouTube channel is filled with unfunny shitposts and he has sub bots, also hates caltrain for retiring and scrapping the f40phs

"dude aj railfan is so awesome! screw caltrain for scrapping the f40phs!"

👍33 👎41