Definder - what does the word mean?

What is aires?

a slang for nike shoes

hell man dont get my airs durrty

👍141 👎55

aires - meme gif

aires meme gif

aires - video


Aires - what is it?

what you give to someone who has annoyed you. giving air is the same as 'blanking' someone

bob: "safe g"
bill: "___"
everyone else: dont have that, he's giving u air!!

👍355 👎145

What does "aires" mean?

1) a song done by Jordan Sparks and Chris Brown
2) a super annoying question

Mike: Hey Ryan I got a question.
Ryan:What is it Mike?
Mike: How am I supposed to breathe with no air?

👍97 👎33

Aires - what does it mean?

Verb: To be dismissed, blanked or ignored in an aloof or haughty manner.

The next time I saw Britney, she totally aired me man.

👍59 👎23

Aires - meaning

To ignore. Dismiss something/someone

Girl says to friend "whys jack airing the phone"

👍59 👎19

Aires - definition

When you dont respond to someone when they talk to you

Ayesha : hey x
Sofian : ...
Ayesha:why are you airing me ?

👍59 👎17

Aires - slang

When Some one gets blanked or ignored by somebody.

He gets air

That girl gave him pure air rudeboy

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basically means blanking someone which is when you heard/read what they said but you ignore then and don't reply

person 1: *send message*

person 2: *reads it but doesn't respond

person 1: why u airing me for

👍165 👎31


Being ignored by someone when making a statement or asking a question. Also known as blanked and turfed.

Person 1: Did u watch ** last nite?
Person 2:......
Person 3: O no u got aired!

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In Slang term, it means "Blank" which is ignoring someone.

Mike: "Yo Ed, what's up?"
Ed: (ignores)
Mike: "Yo why is he bare airing me for"

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